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Trying to upload track to MapMyTracks - OruxMaps chooses EveryTrail

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Trying to upload track to MapMyTracks - OruxMaps chooses EveryTrail Empty Trying to upload track to MapMyTracks - OruxMaps chooses EveryTrail

Post  MisterMinute Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:09 pm

Hey out there,

I use OruxMaps v.4.8.0 (updated today) on a HTC Hero.
After running I now try to upload my track to MapMyTracks, but OruxMaps always told me to configure my userdata for EveryTrail. Ok, so I did and now every time I tap on "Upload to MapMyTracks" OruxMaps wants to upload the track to EveryTrail.



Cantidad de envíos : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-01-23

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