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Auto upload/email

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Auto upload/email Empty Auto upload/email

Post  drmrbrewer Tue Dec 18, 2012 3:56 pm


Would be great if there was an option to upload a gpx track to an external account *automatically* after finishing a track. I like to have a complete record of all tracks in an external account, and if oruxmaps did this automatically then I wouldn't be able to forget to upload any track Smile

Would be nice if this auto-upload was available for the "email" option, i.e. that a gpx track would automatically be emailed to the default email destination. My "external account" is endomondo, and there is no way to upload directly to endomondo, so it is necessary to have the intermediate steps of emailing the gpx and importing that into endomondo via their web interface. Nice if at least the emailing part could be automated.

Failing an auto upload/email, it would be nice to have a visual indication on the track listing in oruxmaps that the track has been uploaded to an external account.


Cantidad de envíos : 10
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-10-31

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