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Button Builder

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Button Builder Empty Button Builder

Post  soleila123 Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:48 am

In the older version it was possible to place the Buttons at the left side, right side and the bottom of the screen.
Now the one for the bottom is missing.
It would be nice if you added this feature again.
It's the perfect spot for the zoom buttons Very Happy .

Also the 3D view doesn't work for my phone (LG P690).
I got the dem files and oruxmaps is showing the map, but there is no altitude shown.
It just looks like the normal "flat" map.
The navigation like rotation and zooming is working.

Anyway congratulations on this awesome app.
You did a great job.


Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2013-01-04

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Button Builder Empty Re: Button Builder

Post  Oleg10011001 Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:15 pm

Also the 3D view doesn't work for my phone (LG P690).
I got the dem files and oruxmaps is showing the map, but there is no altitude shown.
It just looks like the normal "flat" map.
Probably you do something not so... Almost same communicator (LG P698) on which 3D view works For me normally if not to pay attention to braking in its work. I see mountains in 3D view...


Cantidad de envíos : 7
Fecha de inscripción : 2013-01-01

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Button Builder Empty Re: Button Builder

Post  soleila123 Mon Jan 07, 2013 9:54 pm

You are right. It was my fault.
I took the wrong hgt files for my area. So Oruxmaps was only showing a flat surface.
With the right ones 3D view works great.


Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2013-01-04

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Button Builder Empty Re: Button Builder

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