Creating waypoints with voice alert
2 posters
Creating waypoints with voice alert
I created Tracks/Routes incl. wayoints for directions like left, right, straight ahead using GPSies. Imported to Oruxmaps waypoint alarms are working but voice alarm ist not working. Is there a way to fix this or are voice alarms only possible for wayoints created with oruxmaps ?
MKT2000- Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2013-03-25
Re: Creating waypoints with voice alert
MKT2000 wrote:I created Tracks/Routes incl. wayoints for directions like left, right, straight ahead using GPSies. Imported to Oruxmaps waypoint alarms are working but voice alarm ist not working. Is there a way to fix this or are voice alarms only possible for wayoints created with oruxmaps ?
There is not a standard way to include voices inside gpx files. You have to use OruxMaps to include voices, OR test the last beta-->
The last beta version can 'speech' the wpt name.
orux- Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06
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