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gps off when timeout display

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gps off when timeout display Empty gps off when timeout display

Post  Etnoso Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:07 pm

hello i'm Alfio and this is my first post Very Happy .I love this app,it's really fantastic.
I have only a problem,using galaxy nexus when display timeout,the gps signal goes off...it doesn't go off only if i'm recording a track.
This is a big problem because i would use Oruxmaps for freeride ski and hiking..so i need the gps on for long time.I can set display always on but is really not good for battery.For example the other app for gps i use:endomondo take signal always on and sygic have a setting for fix it.I would appreciate a lot if you add a setting for gps always on.
best regards
Alfio from Italy


Cantidad de envíos : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 2013-08-27

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gps off when timeout display Empty Re: gps off when timeout display

Post  orux Wed Aug 28, 2013 8:37 pm

Etnoso wrote:hello i'm Alfio and this is my first post Very Happy .I love this app,it's really fantastic.
I have only a problem,using galaxy nexus when display timeout,the gps signal goes off...it doesn't go off only if i'm recording a track.
This is a big problem because i would use Oruxmaps for freeride ski and hiking..so i need the gps on for long time.I can set display always on but is really not good for battery.For example the other app for gps i use:endomondo take signal always on and sygic have a setting for fix it.I would appreciate a lot if you add a setting for gps always on.
best regards
Alfio from Italy


If you're recording a track, it makes no sense to have the gps on, if the screen is off, it spends a lot of battery and it is dangerous.

If you want the gps always on, it's easy, start recording a track. If you then do not need it, you can delete it.

But I think it is a mistake to allow the GPS to stay on if you're not recording a track, you can arrive at home without battery Smile


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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