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Poor explanation of new features

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Poor explanation of new features Empty Poor explanation of new features

Post  febs Mon Oct 07, 2013 3:19 pm

This is not properly a bug but... well, it is, to some extent.

I probably never stated this clearly, but I really think that an OruxMaps "minus" point is it's lack of description of new functionalities to users after updates. This opinion is agreed by other fellows of a mountain bike forum I follow.

FOR INSTANCE, I just updated OruxMaps to the latest release; the initial popup window told me that there are these new features:
* night mode
* new trip computer

Wow, cool. I open the main screen and search for those.
Click "menu". No "night mode" or "trip computer" in the list. I click "Profiles" but I can only see my profiles there (quite fine). I then click on the map icon. I can't find the "night mode" there as well.
In short, I don't know how to get to the new features so to test them and see how cool they are and if they can be useful for my adventures.

That was my rant Very Happy

Sorry if it sounded like a complaint - you know how much I love OruxMaps. But I really think that by not describing properly the new features and how to use them, when they are added, is really a big miss and most users are not even going to ever realize what is going on and how powerful the application is - or may be - in this way, and the biggest features are going to be used only by power-geeks. That was it. Cheers Smile


Cantidad de envíos : 139
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-10-06

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Poor explanation of new features Empty Re: Poor explanation of new features

Post  orux Sat Oct 12, 2013 5:00 pm

febs wrote:This is not properly a bug but... well, it is, to some extent.

I probably never stated this clearly, but I really think that an OruxMaps "minus" point is it's lack of description of new functionalities to users after updates. This opinion is agreed by other fellows of a mountain bike forum I follow.

FOR INSTANCE, I just updated OruxMaps to the latest release; the initial popup window told me that there are these new features:
* night mode
* new trip computer

Wow, cool. I open the main screen and search for those.
Click "menu". No "night mode" or "trip computer" in the list. I click "Profiles" but I can only see my profiles there (quite fine). I then click on the map icon. I can't find the "night mode" there as well.
In short, I don't know how to get to the new features so to test them and see how cool they are and if they can be useful for my adventures.

That was my rant Very Happy

Sorry if it sounded like a complaint - you know how much I love OruxMaps. But I really think that by not describing properly the new features and how to use them, when they are added, is really a big miss and most users are not even going to ever realize what is going on and how powerful the application is - or may be - in this way, and the biggest features are going to be used only by power-geeks. That was it. Cheers Smile
Hi, febs;

you are right;

I hope to spend more time on this, fewer new options, better explained!


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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