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How can I set the grid 0/0 koordinates?

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How can I set the grid 0/0 koordinates? Empty How can I set the grid 0/0 koordinates?

Post  Alioth Mon Oct 04, 2010 9:32 pm


I have a Swiss map that is calibrated with WGS84 and it works fine.
However when I switch the units to grid I want to set my 0/0 not at a corner of the map but somewhere else so that they match the swissgrid coordinates how can i accomplish that?


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How can I set the grid 0/0 koordinates? Empty Re: How can I set the grid 0/0 koordinates?

Post  orux Tue Oct 05, 2010 1:18 pm

Alioth wrote:Hi

I have a Swiss map that is calibrated with WGS84 and it works fine.
However when I switch the units to grid I want to set my 0/0 not at a corner of the map but somewhere else so that they match the swissgrid coordinates how can i accomplish that?

Hi; Alioth.

You must calibrate your map using 'swiss grid' in OruxMapsDesktop if you want to see grid coordinates.

Could you send me one .otrk2.xml file?-->oruxuro@gmail.com


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