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Closing the application

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Closing the application Empty Closing the application

Post  asperge Wed Oct 28, 2009 9:54 pm

When we are running an application and touch the 'home' or 'back' button, we exit the application and we go back to the main screen, but usually the application is still in memory. We have to kill the task manually. I wonder if it's possible in an android application to detect that we've touched these buttons and close the application correctly. If it's not the case, i think it would be useful to add an exit function in the main screen or/and in the menu functions. Thanks for your attention.


Cantidad de envíos : 49
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-10-26

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Closing the application Empty Re: Closing the application

Post  orux Thu Oct 29, 2009 3:35 pm

asperge wrote:When we are running an application and touch the 'home' or 'back' button, we exit the application and we go back to the main screen, but usually the application is still in memory. We have to kill the task manually. I wonder if it's possible in an android application to detect that we've touched these buttons and close the application correctly. If it's not the case, i think it would be useful to add an exit function in the main screen or/and in the menu functions. Thanks for your attention.

Home button behaviour should not be changed, because you probably want to return to OruxMaps again later.

Back button does not kill the task because android kills an app only if more resources are needed. Opening from zero an app is a heavy task; but if the task is created, it will be very quick.

But it is a good idea to add a button in the menu, to kill the task 100% if you do not want to use OruxMaps after.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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