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Overthinking the structure of future versions of OruxMaps ????? --- Food for thought

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Overthinking the structure of future versions of OruxMaps ????? --- Food for thought Empty Overthinking the structure of future versions of OruxMaps ????? --- Food for thought

Post  zmart Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:47 am

Hi Orux,
if i read the comments for improvements here, i have a problem to agree to realise all these in a next version.

If Oruxmaps will serve all users with different requirements (pilots, bikers, sailors, fishermens, runners, hikers, geocachers etc.), the user-operation of the programm and the menu structure will not be comfortable to handle anymore (hangling through too many adjustments which will be never used).
Should a biker have to adjust an anchor alarm? Should a sailor have to choose a heart rate monitor or see a radar?

If you not install an intelligent menu-structure - or better - handle special features by PLUGINS i think you`re running in danger that for the most user your programm ist too complicate and they can not understand special technical features.
It results in confusing and especially beginners don`t use oruxmaps.
For the most "normal" users the menu structure is complex enough right now (see comments in the market).

Before implementing new features (which brings new bugs) wouldn`t it be better to fix all known bugs of the last version first and make a next minor stable release with the known bugfixes?
Sorry, I don`t know if you`ve done this, because I can not find any list of known/fixed bugs of the last version.
Wouldn`t it be good to maintain such a list here for the last versions, readable for all?

What do you think about a plugin-structure instead of profiles before it`s too late?
So the main program stays slim and stable (like a kernal) and you have only improve the plugins.
You know, any web-browsers becomes very useable with this structure ;-)

What do you think about this? Thank you for your hard work and - maybe - your response!


Cantidad de envíos : 47
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-08-11

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