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velocity vector or course line

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velocity vector or course line Empty velocity vector or course line

Post  kilowatt Tue May 10, 2011 1:21 pm

First off I would like to say I love the program. Nice job!

One thing I miss in OruxMaps when I'm using it on my boat is a velocity vector. Other navigation programs I've used have this and it is quite useful. This is a line that extends from the current position out in the direction of the current course. The length of the line displayed is proportional to speed. It provides a quick visual check of where you’ll be if you continue the current course and speed for a given time. It enables you to quickly assess whether your current course could lead to a potential hazard. It provides a more precise visualization of your course than just trying to extrapolate where the cursor arrow is pointing.

A simpler version would be a course line that is not proportional to speed but just extends from your current position to the edge of the display. I tried making a cursor that would do this but it's size had to match the screen size in order to extend out to the screen edge. The large cursor was not displayed correctly when the screen rotation switched from portrait to landscape.

Nice configuration features would be line color, line width, and length of time to use for line length if the velocity vector feature is provided.



Cantidad de envíos : 6
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-06-17

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velocity vector or course line Empty Re: velocity vector or course line

Post  orux Tue May 10, 2011 7:52 pm

Kilowatt wrote:First off I would like to say I love the program. Nice job!

One thing I miss in OruxMaps when I'm using it on my boat is a velocity vector. Other navigation programs I've used have this and it is quite useful. This is a line that extends from the current position out in the direction of the current course. The length of the line displayed is proportional to speed. It provides a quick visual check of where you’ll be if you continue the current course and speed for a given time. It enables you to quickly assess whether your current course could lead to a potential hazard. It provides a more precise visualization of your course than just trying to extrapolate where the cursor arrow is pointing.

A simpler version would be a course line that is not proportional to speed but just extends from your current position to the edge of the display. I tried making a cursor that would do this but it's size had to match the screen size in order to extend out to the screen edge. The large cursor was not displayed correctly when the screen rotation switched from portrait to landscape.

Nice configuration features would be line color, line width, and length of time to use for line length if the velocity vector feature is provided.


Hi, Mark;

Soon I will work with different profiles; nautical, flight,.....

Then I will ask all of you about features.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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