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Compass On/Off switch

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Compass On/Off switch Empty Compass On/Off switch

Post  zeebie Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:11 pm

Maybe I'm missing something but I wonder if the only option to switch the compass
on and off is via settings/view/misc UI. I understand that the compass consumes
power so I don't want to have it activated all the time but sometimes when I'm lost in
the woods it's very handy to take a short look at the yellow triangle to reorientate
myself. Maybe you can add an compass option in the "View" menu at the bottom of
the screen as it was in the old interface. Nevertheless the new UI is very well done,
thanks for that.


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Compass On/Off switch Empty Re: Compass On/Off switch

Post  orux Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:23 pm

zeebie wrote:Maybe I'm missing something but I wonder if the only option to switch the compass
on and off is via settings/view/misc UI. I understand that the compass consumes
power so I don't want to have it activated all the time but sometimes when I'm lost in
the woods it's very handy to take a short look at the yellow triangle to reorientate
myself. Maybe you can add an compass option in the "View" menu at the bottom of
the screen as it was in the old interface. Nevertheless the new UI is very well done,
thanks for that.


I will try to find a solution.

Another option: map button/settings/map mode/compass...


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Compass On/Off switch Empty Re: Compass On/Off switch

Post  barte Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:29 pm

Same issue here.....I want to toggle compass on for a bit to get the orientation, then off to save the battery. How about a custom button? Or putting it as an option under Tools? Absent that, map button/settings/map mode/Compass+Map orientation seems a bit faster. Thanks!


Cantidad de envíos : 57
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-12-27

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