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Is there any way I can use another google maps as online map?

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Is there any way I can use another google maps as online map? Empty Is there any way I can use another google maps as online map?

Post  zejk Sun Aug 14, 2011 7:03 am

Hi Orux,

First I really love this app and using it very happy.

Only one issue that usually I go to ditu.google.cn instead of maps.google.com on my PC, so is there any way I can also use ditu.google.cn in my Oruxmaps?
I found a file named "onlinemapsources.xml" and tried to modify it but failed.
Do you have some idea?



Cantidad de envíos : 3
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-07-03

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Is there any way I can use another google maps as online map? Empty Re: Is there any way I can use another google maps as online map?

Post  orux Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:12 pm

zejk wrote:Hi Orux,

First I really love this app and using it very happy.

Only one issue that usually I go to ditu.google.cn instead of maps.google.com on my PC, so is there any way I can also use ditu.google.cn in my Oruxmaps?
I found a file named "onlinemapsources.xml" and tried to modify it but failed.
Do you have some idea?



You have to investigate a bit, using, for example Firefox & httpfox pluging.

Then you can see the url behind a web site.

Is there any way I can use another google maps as online map? Pantallazonz


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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