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Mapmytracks and Oruxmaps - Mismatch in activities

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Mapmytracks and Oruxmaps - Mismatch in activities Empty Mapmytracks and Oruxmaps - Mismatch in activities

Post  uschwide Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:42 pm


Orux, can you please check why the selected activity "Mountain biking" is not be uploaded to MapMyTracks?

If I open MapMyTracks, then I can see my uploaded track (automatically uploaded while biking) but the activity shows "Miscellaneous". Maybe there is a "translation" issues between Oruxmaps and MapMyTracks ... Its not a urgent or very important problem. But maybe you can implement the fix into the next update ...

Sorry if that small bug was mentioned earlier, and I'm bringing that up again ...


BR Uwe


Cantidad de envíos : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-08-23

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