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How to deal with irregular shaped maps?

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How to deal with irregular shaped maps? Empty How to deal with irregular shaped maps?

Post  16319874 Sat Jan 02, 2010 9:28 pm


I am working on an automated approach to converting NOAA BSB [nautical] charts to PNG and MAP files for import via the OruxMaps Desktop.

I have encountered 2 problems in specifying the map limits in the .map file via the lines MMPXY, MMLLn:

The preamble to the KAP file (the "meat" of the BSB chart) has parameters describing the number of X and Y pixels, but these parameters include
a lot of white margin on all sides of the active chart, thus cannot be used for this purpose. Many of the charts are skewed (meridians are not parallel to the Y axis) and have to be rotated to interpret the REF entries and search for the actual corners. I have been searching the coordinate list specified by REF entries and searching for corners, but a simple search of a skewed chart misses the corners most times.

Any advice would be gratefully accepted.

Even worse, some charts have a corner missing (12372_1 is an example). If I add a fifth MMPXY line to the .map file, will OruxMapsDesktop correctly interpret this as the inner corner of the missing region?

How to deal with irregular shaped maps? Clipboard12i.th


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How to deal with irregular shaped maps? Empty Re: How to deal with irregular shaped maps?

Post  orux Fri Jan 15, 2010 6:35 pm

16319874 wrote:Hello,

I am working on an automated approach to converting NOAA BSB [nautical] charts to PNG and MAP files for import via the OruxMaps Desktop.

I have encountered 2 problems in specifying the map limits in the .map file via the lines MMPXY, MMLLn:

The preamble to the KAP file (the "meat" of the BSB chart) has parameters describing the number of X and Y pixels, but these parameters include
a lot of white margin on all sides of the active chart, thus cannot be used for this purpose. Many of the charts are skewed (meridians are not parallel to the Y axis) and have to be rotated to interpret the REF entries and search for the actual corners. I have been searching the coordinate list specified by REF entries and searching for corners, but a simple search of a skewed chart misses the corners most times.

Any advice would be gratefully accepted.

Even worse, some charts have a corner missing (12372_1 is an example). If I add a fifth MMPXY line to the .map file, will OruxMapsDesktop correctly interpret this as the inner corner of the missing region?

How to deal with irregular shaped maps? Clipboard12i.th

Could you send me a KAP file? -->oruxuro@gmail.com

Perhaps I could help you.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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How to deal with irregular shaped maps? Empty the KAP file you requested

Post  16319874 Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:18 am

I haven't found a way to upload a file, and there is no simple URL, but
following this recipe will get you the file:

I have not been able to make the URL visible in the message. I hope you can see it!
Go to this site:

select the CT charts (state of Connecticut)
You will get a ZIP file downloaded.
Go to 12372 folder in this ZIP.
The file 12372_1.KAP is a good example of the problems I have encountered.



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How to deal with irregular shaped maps? Empty Re: How to deal with irregular shaped maps?

Post  orux Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:36 pm

16319874 wrote:I haven't found a way to upload a file, and there is no simple URL, but
following this recipe will get you the file:

I have not been able to make the URL visible in the . I hope you can see it!
Go to this site:

select the CT charts (state of Connecticut)
You will get a ZIP file downloaded.
Go to 12372 folder in this ZIP.
The file 12372_1.KAP is a good example of the problems I have encountered.


Hi, Micheal;

I have been able to create an OruxMaps map from a .kap file using Ozi for creating a .map file, and bsb2png for converting the .kap file to png.

Then, with OruxMapsConverter was easy.

I will write a howto.
How to deal with irregular shaped maps? Devicel

Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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How to deal with irregular shaped maps? Empty Oh, not Ozi!

Post  16319874 Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:23 am

Ozi is not a great option for me: I use MacOS.

Is there another way?

I am willing to get my hands dirty in the KAP file but I need more information regarding how to
treat the indented corner (fifth coordinate)



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How to deal with irregular shaped maps? Empty Re: How to deal with irregular shaped maps?

Post  orux Sat Feb 13, 2010 2:38 pm

16319874 wrote:Ozi is not a great option for me: I use MacOS.

Is there another way?

I am willing to get my hands dirty in the KAP file but I need more information regarding how to
treat the indented corner (fifth coordinate)


Hi, Michael;

I think I can create a command line tool for calibrate those maps. Let me some days.

But I need more maps/examples, could you contact with me:--> oruxuro@gmail.com


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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