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use postion from external gps receiver and use internal phone 3-axial compass

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use postion from external gps receiver and use internal phone 3-axial compass Empty use postion from external gps receiver and use internal phone 3-axial compass

Post  jamiesensei Mon Oct 03, 2011 5:19 am


Am wondering if it is possible to use an external gps receiver with Orux Maps on an Android phone and at the same time use an internal 3-axial compass.

I have not looked into it but I assume that Orux Maps has an option to display the current direction your device is pointing in and / or to pivot the map in the direction you are pointing your phone, respecting the direction as indicated from the phones tri-axial compass?

Thanks a lot for any answer to my questions.





Cantidad de envíos : 6
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-10-03

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use postion from external gps receiver and use internal phone 3-axial compass Empty Re: use postion from external gps receiver and use internal phone 3-axial compass

Post  orux Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:56 pm

jamiesensei wrote:Hi,

Am wondering if it is possible to use an external gps receiver with Orux Maps on an Android phone and at the same time use an internal 3-axial compass.

I have not looked into it but I assume that Orux Maps has an option to display the current direction your device is pointing in and / or to pivot the map in the direction you are pointing your phone, respecting the direction as indicated from the phones tri-axial compass?

Thanks a lot for any answer to my questions.




Hi, Jamie;

Yes, you can use an external gps unit + internal compass for map orientation.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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use postion from external gps receiver and use internal phone 3-axial compass Empty Motorola Defy+

Post  jamiesensei Tue Oct 04, 2011 3:22 am

Thanks for your replies Orux.

Am thinking I will try the new Motorola Defy+. Apparently it will be available for sale here in Thailand soon.

Pretty much waterproof and scratch proof for only around 10,000 Thai Baht with no contract. A budget rugged smart phone!

Anyone any experience with the Defy? The defy+ seems like it is a minor upgrade from the defy.

Wonder how the battery will hold up with the GPS constantly on. Hoping also to take video out on the trail with audio narration to publish on my web site.


Cantidad de envíos : 6
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-10-03

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use postion from external gps receiver and use internal phone 3-axial compass Empty Re: use postion from external gps receiver and use internal phone 3-axial compass

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