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Doing something useful with HRM data

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Doing something useful with HRM data Empty Doing something useful with HRM data

Post  cyberdude Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:00 am

I've been using Oruxmaps for a couple of months now and think it's a great app. However it doesn't make much use of the HRM data that it logs.

It's a little confusing what this app is really aiming at becoming. Is it's use morphing to a sports app or will it remain purely as a map viewer and tracker? Why log HRM if only for map viewing and tracking?

Would it be possible to incorporate a calorie calculation in the features? There are numerous formula available on the web. It would be good if it took into account the type of exercise, e.g. running, biking, etc, and allowed you to enter a different weight for each exercise as in running it's your body weight but in cycling you need to add the weight of the bike and gear you carry too. Also, whether you are going up hill or down hill.

Also, in the Stats screen of the tracks it would be good if you showed the HR data like max, average, minimum, time spent in the various zones, etc.

Alternatively, allow the HRM data to be exported as a separate file so we can use it as we like.

Keep up the good work. Very Happy


Cantidad de envíos : 57
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-12-16

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Doing something useful with HRM data Empty Re: Doing something useful with HRM data

Post  orux Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:49 pm

cyberdude wrote:I've been using Oruxmaps for a couple of months now and think it's a great app. However it doesn't make much use of the HRM data that it logs.

It's a little confusing what this app is really aiming at becoming. Is it's use morphing to a sports app or will it remain purely as a map viewer and tracker? Why log HRM if only for map viewing and tracking?

Would it be possible to incorporate a calorie calculation in the features? There are numerous formula available on the web. It would be good if it took into account the type of exercise, e.g. running, biking, etc, and allowed you to enter a different weight for each exercise as in running it's your body weight but in cycling you need to add the weight of the bike and gear you carry too. Also, whether you are going up hill or down hill.

Also, in the Stats screen of the tracks it would be good if you showed the HR data like max, average, minimum, time spent in the various zones, etc.

Alternatively, allow the HRM data to be exported as a separate file so we can use it as we like.

Keep up the good work. Very Happy

Hi, cyberdude;

The heart rate monitor is an important part of the training in many activities in the mountains, so it is incorporated into OruxMaps.

The calculation of calories; it can be added, but you know that those formulas are very inaccurate, is not the best way to control your workout.

OruxMaps is not intended as a tool for training analysis. For that there are sites that do very well. When you export or upload a gpx created with OruxMaps, to Google Earth, or trainingstagebunch or mapmytracks, you have excellent tools for the analysis of your training, because the gpx incorporates information from the heart rate monitor in an standard format.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Doing something useful with HRM data Empty Re: Doing something useful with HRM data

Post  cyberdude Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:05 pm

Thanks for replying. Ok, I understand that Oruxmaps in not a training analysis tool and I accept that. Could you at possibly incorporate the max, min and average heart rate in the Stats screen. At least that way I can see what I peaked at and averaged at for the HR. I'll check out the mapmytracks and trainingstagbuch.


Cantidad de envíos : 57
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-12-16

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