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5.0 3D DEM data issue

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5.0 3D DEM data issue Empty 5.0 3D DEM data issue

Post  ixuhui Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:02 am

Sad , re-post in this zone.
I like the 3D fuction in Oruxmpas 5.0. It works well with .hgt file download from NASA website. While, SRTM v2 data (GeoTiff format) is better, which "modifed" some "holes" data in .hgt files. i am in China, it is important.
I knew 5.0 can not support SRTM GeoTiff directly, so i transfered them to .dem, unfortunately, Oruxmaps still says "no 3d data". I copied a .hdr into the dem directory, 3d model can work, but it show a "flat" map.
Note, i used global mapper 14 to export .dem file, which includes necessary map info. it could be opened in GM without .hdr.


Cantidad de envíos: 1
Fecha de inscripción: 2013-01-16


Cantidad de envíos : 3
Fecha de inscripción : 2013-01-16

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5.0 3D DEM data issue Empty Re: 5.0 3D DEM data issue

Post  orux Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:53 pm

ixuhui wrote: Sad , re-post in this zone.
I like the 3D fuction in Oruxmpas 5.0. It works well with .hgt file download from NASA website. While, SRTM v2 data (GeoTiff format) is better, which "modifed" some "holes" data in .hgt files. i am in China, it is important.
I knew 5.0 can not support SRTM GeoTiff directly, so i transfered them to .dem, unfortunately, Oruxmaps still says "no 3d data". I copied a .hdr into the dem directory, 3d model can work, but it show a "flat" map.
Note, i used global mapper 14 to export .dem file, which includes necessary map info. it could be opened in GM without .hdr.


Cantidad de envíos: 1
Fecha de inscripción: 2013-01-16


there are many varieties of dem files.

if you send me the HDR, I can investigate where the problem is.--> oruxuro@gmail.com

might it not be using the hdr geographic coordinates (UTM, for example).


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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5.0 3D DEM data issue Empty Re: 5.0 3D DEM data issue

Post  yip Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:59 pm

If you think Global Mapper is the problem, you can transform Geotiff to HGT format with GDAL
"gdal_translate -of SRTMHGT ASTGTM2_N000E000_dem.tif N000E000.HGT"
SRTMv2 GeoTiffs should be the same format as ASTER Geotiffs: both are provided by NASA.


Cantidad de envíos : 40
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-01-21

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5.0 3D DEM data issue Empty Re: 5.0 3D DEM data issue

Post  ixuhui Fri Jan 18, 2013 7:28 am

Thanks a lot.


Cantidad de envíos : 3
Fecha de inscripción : 2013-01-16

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5.0 3D DEM data issue Empty Re: 5.0 3D DEM data issue

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