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sound when uploading track to mapmytracks / change uploading interval

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sound when uploading track to mapmytracks / change uploading interval Empty sound when uploading track to mapmytracks / change uploading interval

Post  uwes Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:04 pm

Hi everyone,

does someone know how to disable this nervy buzzing sound when Oruxmaps is creating marker on the trip when I am in "Livetracking mode" ?

Since I upgraded to the newest version, this tone comes always up when Oruxmaps is uploading the current data / waypoint to (f.e.) Mapmytracks.

Is there any chance to switch that tone off?

second, is there any chance to chance the intervall of uploading my track statistic to the web?

I remember you had that feature in a older version, where you could select in which time intervall Oruxmaps is uploading to the Internet.

Is that still available?

Thx for your support and the great app,

br Uwe


Cantidad de envíos : 3
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-03-07

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sound when uploading track to mapmytracks / change uploading interval Empty Re: sound when uploading track to mapmytracks / change uploading interval

Post  orux Thu Mar 08, 2012 6:23 pm

uwes wrote:Hi everyone,

does someone know how to disable this nervy buzzing sound when Oruxmaps is creating marker on the trip when I am in "Livetracking mode" ?

Since I upgraded to the newest version, this tone comes always up when Oruxmaps is uploading the current data / waypoint to (f.e.) Mapmytracks.

Is there any chance to switch that tone off?

second, is there any chance to chance the intervall of uploading my track statistic to the web?

I remember you had that feature in a older version, where you could select in which time intervall Oruxmaps is uploading to the Internet.

Is that still available?

Thx for your support and the great app,

br Uwe


?? there is no sound (programmed) when uploading points to mapmytracks.

there were annoying problems when sent many points at once to the server, so I had to fix it in 1 minute.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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