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oruxmapstracks.db always gets resettet - cannot use tracks and points

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oruxmapstracks.db always gets resettet - cannot use tracks and points Empty oruxmapstracks.db always gets resettet - cannot use tracks and points

Post  mozee Fri Jun 15, 2012 9:23 am

Hi Orux,

I've used great OruxMaps for a while now and saved many tracks and way points, but recently my 1.4mb oruxmapstracks.db got repaced by an empty 14kb file. Luckily I have a backup. I tried several times to put the backup in the tracklogs folder. The tracks and points then show up in OruxMaps one time, but I can open the waypoint or track list just once. If I try to load another track/point, everything is gone again and the oruxmapstracks.db is replaced by the small empty one. Do you know a reason why OruxMaps always deletes my file? It's a little bit annoying, because I spent a lot of time to build up a way point database and I'd love to use OruxMaps again to save some points since it's really a great app Wink

Best regards,


Cantidad de envíos : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-06-15

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