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KML/KMZ Overlay - 5.0beta6

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KML/KMZ Overlay - 5.0beta6 Empty KML/KMZ Overlay - 5.0beta6

Post  Icarus Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:32 am

Hi Orux,

Great job with the KML/KMZ Overlay feature! This is absolutely brilliant for airspace depiction.

A couple of observations -

1. The colors of the original file in Google Earth are not being translated accurately. For example, a red SUAS (Special Use Air Space) feature is displaying in OruxMaps as blue. It appears that whatever color is set in Settings/User Interface/Colors/Route Color is applied to the KML. Color coding is fairly important for airspace differentiation.
2. If the KML/KMZ is removed, then reloaded later, it is not appearing. A restart of OruxMaps is required to get it to reappear.

Thanks for a really helpful feature.


Cantidad de envíos : 104
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-04-03

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KML/KMZ Overlay - 5.0beta6 Empty Re: KML/KMZ Overlay - 5.0beta6

Post  orux Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:07 pm

Icarus wrote:Hi Orux,

Great job with the KML/KMZ Overlay feature! This is absolutely brilliant for airspace depiction.

A couple of observations -

1. The colors of the original file in Google Earth are not being translated accurately. For example, a red SUAS (Special Use Air Space) feature is displaying in OruxMaps as blue. It appears that whatever color is set in Settings/User Interface/Colors/Route Color is applied to the KML. Color coding is fairly important for airspace differentiation.
2. If the KML/KMZ is removed, then reloaded later, it is not appearing. A restart of OruxMaps is required to get it to reappear.

Thanks for a really helpful feature.


Please, try with last beta-->www.oruxmaps.com/cs


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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KML/KMZ Overlay - 5.0beta6 Empty Re: KML/KMZ Overlay - 5.0beta6

Post  Icarus Tue Aug 28, 2012 6:57 am

Great! Works fine now. Thanks for your effort.


Cantidad de envíos : 104
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-04-03

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KML/KMZ Overlay - 5.0beta6 Empty Re: KML/KMZ Overlay - 5.0beta6

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