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Heart Rate Monitor(HRM) with Xperia Go and Oruxmaps

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Heart Rate Monitor(HRM)  with Xperia Go and Oruxmaps Empty Heart Rate Monitor(HRM) with Xperia Go and Oruxmaps

Post  Koops Sat Apr 20, 2013 8:49 am

I have bought a Xperia Go, and I would like to connect it to a Heart Rate Monitor (HRM) via bluetooth to use Oruxmaps.
Via ANT+ is not possible since Xperia Go has not ANT+.

I do not know what HRM to buy. I have looked up a lot of forums and it is not clear what mobile works with what HRM and with what

Has anybody tried Xperia Go with Oruxmaps and a HRM?

Any information is welcome.


Cantidad de envíos : 3
Fecha de inscripción : 2013-04-20

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