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Ability to Search for Addresses and Streets using online services

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Ability to Search for Addresses and Streets using online services Empty Ability to Search for Addresses and Streets using online services

Post  Fadi Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:15 pm

Hello there, I want to start by telling you that I've tried 15 different Navigation/GPS program and yours is the best one I've see so far and by far...

There is just one very essential (I can't live without it) function that I can't seem to find: the ability to search for addresses, streets or land marks (the way you can inn google's stock program). I don't necessarily need to be able to do it offline but it would be nice (actually essential) to be able to search for addresses and save them as waypoints so that I may be able to refer to them later on...

BONUS: For offline routes, address/street searches, the OpenStreetMaps projects have some wicked indexes that can be downloaded and used. It might be nice to eventually incorporate the ability to use these indexes for offline searches and route plotting and turn by turn directions.


Hola, quiero empezar por decirles que yo he probado 15 diferentes programas de Navegación / GPS y la suya es la mejor que he visto hasta ahora...

Aye un función indispensable que no puedo encontrar en tu aplicación: la posibilidad de buscar direcciones, calles (como puedo le hacer en la aplicación de Google: GoogleMaps). es essencial para mi de poder buscar direcciones y guardarlos como puntos de referencia (waypoints) para poder hacer referencia a ellas más tarde quando no tengo internet ...

BONUS: (bueno, esta parte es muy tecnical y prefiero de no traducirla del ingles): For offline routes, address/street searches, the OpenStreetMaps projects have some wicked indexes that can be downloaded and used. It might be nice to eventually incorporate the ability to use these indexes for offline searches and route plotting and turn by turn directions.


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Ability to Search for Addresses and Streets using online services Empty A very easy short-term solution

Post  momashi Tue Nov 02, 2010 2:03 am

Hi, this is fadi, I'm the person who started this thread.

I've thought of any easy way of implementing what I'm asking for. It would be hopefully a temporary solution until you integrate the search function into orux map. Right now, I can search for addresses and locations in GoogleMaps (the stock Android Maps app) and save them as favorites (their name for waypoint). A temporary solution Orux's inability to search may be to simply to give it the ability to import GoogleMaps favorite's into OruxMaps waypoints. If it's anything like the iPhone, I'm betting GoogleMaps saves the info about the favorites in a file that stores their latitude and longitude. This information can be used Orux to importing the way point.


Cantidad de envíos : 2
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-11-02

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Ability to Search for Addresses and Streets using online services Empty Re: Ability to Search for Addresses and Streets using online services

Post  orux Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:06 pm

momashi wrote:Hi, this is fadi, I'm the person who started this thread.

I've thought of any easy way of implementing what I'm asking for. It would be hopefully a temporary solution until you integrate the search function into orux map. Right now, I can search for addresses and locations in GoogleMaps (the stock Android Maps app) and save them as favorites (their name for waypoint). A temporary solution Orux's inability to search may be to simply to give it the ability to import GoogleMaps favorite's into OruxMaps waypoints. If it's anything like the iPhone, I'm betting GoogleMaps saves the info about the favorites in a file that stores their latitude and longitude. This information can be used Orux to importing the way point.

Hi, momashi;

I am working to add searching feature in a future version,


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Ability to Search for Addresses and Streets using online services Empty Re: Ability to Search for Addresses and Streets using online services

Post  Fadi Wed Nov 03, 2010 3:58 am



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Ability to Search for Addresses and Streets using online services Empty Search for adresses and waypoints

Post  gmmikele Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:51 pm

Hi, all there...

once more excellent app also for non-airliner aviators.

Search Engine for way points, streets, locations etc would be really convenient and appreciated how ever What I miss also is to have a possibility for "long-press" on certain point on the map (normally I scroll the map over the known location and I chose point I would like to go (fly) to ) and beside of option "create a way point" having also possibility to select "direct-to", or "Go-To", Or "Fly To". So I immediately get Course and distance to the point.

Also a hint for improvements - as a pilot - is it (would be) possible when preforming "long press" to get option in menu "new map here" and "new data here" - to clarify on example:
I have my own calibrated VFR map with airports and PDFs of VFR/IFR airport charts. If I could make long press on that particular airport I got than 2 possibilities as:
1.) selecting "direct to" as described above so I get heading and distance and
2.) I could load (open) airport map (IFR, VFR) si I get airport data I have in my personal library...

What are Your thoughts about this?


Cantidad de envíos : 5
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-12-14

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