Automatic export/import GPX
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Automatic export/import GPX
exchanging data with other aplications, especialy on desktop PC, must be done through soem of the popular file formats. OruxMaps supports exporting to GPX format nad that is fine.
However, OruxMaps keeps all data in its internal database, so if we want to use them outside we must export. Problem occures when user connects his phone to PC and finds out that he did not export needed data. As moemry card cannot be visible to phone and PC at the same time, he must disconnect phone, do export, and connect again to import data. This becomes issue.
It is advisable that OruxPams automaticalz save track and waypoint data in GPX format so it is always accessible when needed. User anyways has to do export to use that data, so it is more user friendly if it is automaticaly exported for him.
However, OruxMaps keeps all data in its internal database, so if we want to use them outside we must export. Problem occures when user connects his phone to PC and finds out that he did not export needed data. As moemry card cannot be visible to phone and PC at the same time, he must disconnect phone, do export, and connect again to import data. This becomes issue.
It is advisable that OruxPams automaticalz save track and waypoint data in GPX format so it is always accessible when needed. User anyways has to do export to use that data, so it is more user friendly if it is automaticaly exported for him.
pedja- Cantidad de envíos : 111
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-12-06
Re: Automatic export/import GPX
I agree with this comment, would be much easier to manipulate with tracks in GPX format.
spuncika- Guest
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