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Wrong SUNSET display since beginning of Central European Summer Time / Daylight Saving Time (CEST, CEDT, MEST)

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Wrong SUNSET display since beginning of Central European Summer Time / Daylight Saving Time (CEST, CEDT, MEST) Empty Wrong SUNSET display since beginning of Central European Summer Time / Daylight Saving Time (CEST, CEDT, MEST)

Post  cygnus Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:49 pm


thank you very much for the new option to display SUNSET time. It worked perfectly - until yesterday.

But today, Daylight Saving Time (DST) / Summer Time started in Germany, and the official time advances one hour:


It is equivalent to Central European Summer Time (CEST, british) or Central European Daylight Saving Time (CEDT, CET DST, american); or Middle European Summer Time (MEST).

Since the beginning of summertime today, OruxMaps displays the wrong time for SUNSET. Here in Germany, sunset should be at 20:00. But OruxMaps shows "19:00". Obviously Oruxmaps ignores the time shift at European summertime.

However, other Android apps like the "Sunrise Sunset" Widget show the time of sunset correctly.

Can you please fix this issue and take account of the one-hour time-shift at summer time?

Thank you very much in advance!


Cantidad de envíos : 13
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-09-08

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Wrong SUNSET display since beginning of Central European Summer Time / Daylight Saving Time (CEST, CEDT, MEST) Empty Re: Wrong SUNSET display since beginning of Central European Summer Time / Daylight Saving Time (CEST, CEDT, MEST)

Post  orux Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:10 pm

cygnus wrote:Hi,

thank you very much for the new option to display SUNSET time. It worked perfectly - until yesterday.

But today, Daylight Saving Time (DST) / Summer Time started in Germany, and the official time advances one hour:


It is equivalent to Central European Summer Time (CEST, british) or Central European Daylight Saving Time (CEDT, CET DST, american); or Middle European Summer Time (MEST).

Since the beginning of summertime today, OruxMaps displays the wrong time for SUNSET. Here in Germany, sunset should be at 20:00. But OruxMaps shows "19:00". Obviously Oruxmaps ignores the time shift at European summertime.

However, other Android apps like the "Sunrise Sunset" Widget show the time of sunset correctly.

Can you please fix this issue and take account of the one-hour time-shift at summer time?

Thank you very much in advance!

Hi, cygnus;

You are right; thanks.

Changed for next version.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Wrong SUNSET display since beginning of Central European Summer Time / Daylight Saving Time (CEST, CEDT, MEST) Empty Re: Wrong SUNSET display since beginning of Central European Summer Time / Daylight Saving Time (CEST, CEDT, MEST)

Post  cygnus Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:14 pm

Hi orux,

thank you very much for the bugfix in version 3.4.2. Now it works perfectly.

Oruxmaps rules! cheers


Cantidad de envíos : 13
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-09-08

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Wrong SUNSET display since beginning of Central European Summer Time / Daylight Saving Time (CEST, CEDT, MEST) Empty Re: Wrong SUNSET display since beginning of Central European Summer Time / Daylight Saving Time (CEST, CEDT, MEST)

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