Cursor Position lower for flying
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Cursor Position lower for flying
Hi, I think I may have posted in the wrong place so I am also posting this here.
I finally figured out how to get oruxmaps desktop to work with downloaded US aviation sectional charts. It turns out to be simple once you figure it out. I now have the sectionals saved on the SD card on my phone. Thanks for such a cool app. I am wondering if there is a way to place the cursor closer to the bottom of the screen. When flying it is useful to see more of the chart in front of your position. What is already behind you is usually no longer a factor.
Also I downloaded the sectionals from the FAA's website. They are individual charts. I am wondering if there is a way to combine them where they overlap. I would like to get rid of the area of the charts on the outside edges that contain notes etc. but are not part of the map. Do you know of a good way to do this?
Thanks again for all your efforts.
I finally figured out how to get oruxmaps desktop to work with downloaded US aviation sectional charts. It turns out to be simple once you figure it out. I now have the sectionals saved on the SD card on my phone. Thanks for such a cool app. I am wondering if there is a way to place the cursor closer to the bottom of the screen. When flying it is useful to see more of the chart in front of your position. What is already behind you is usually no longer a factor.
Also I downloaded the sectionals from the FAA's website. They are individual charts. I am wondering if there is a way to combine them where they overlap. I would like to get rid of the area of the charts on the outside edges that contain notes etc. but are not part of the map. Do you know of a good way to do this?
Thanks again for all your efforts.
120pilot- Guest
Re: Cursor Position lower for flying
I would also like to have the Map shown in "front" of my position to be 66-75% of the map. for hiking.
or for the gps position to be 2/3rd - 3/4 of the way down the screen.
or for the gps position to be 2/3rd - 3/4 of the way down the screen.
Psycogeek- Cantidad de envíos : 53
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-04-14
FAA Sectional Charts
The current seamless sectional charts are available at as a Google Maps API and openlayers interface. You can use programs like MOBAC to clip out areas of interest.
Doug Neb- Guest
Re: Cursor Position lower for flying
Doug, thanks for the link. I did not know about this site. I downloaded the sectionals I wanted directly from the FAA. It looks like has done all of the work for me. I will explore mobac and see if I can figure out how to download what I need. I am the owner of an orphaned Lowrance 2000C aviation GPS. I am very happy with this unit but Lowrance no longer supports it and will quit offering database updates in Jun. The unit is only 4 years old. I am very reluctant to invest in someone elses proprietary hardware and software just to have them walk away from their customers. So I am exploring what is out there that I can put together myself. For now I am using my android phone. But if I find a satisfactory solution I plan on buying an android tablet to replace my Lowrance. Many people are doing this now on the IPADs but I'm not an apple fan. Right now I am using an android app called QRouting that pairs up with oruxmaps. Between the 2 you end up with an aviation database and moving map which is just what I need. Qrouting is not perfect but it is close and will probably get better. Anyways, thanks again for the link.
James Phillips
James Phillips
120pilot- Guest
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