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Offline maps not found

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Offline maps not found Empty Offline maps not found

Post  ddnebert Thu Apr 14, 2011 11:04 am

I used MOBAC to extract a large number of files and saved to an SQLite database file and its companion file. I saved the folder (SectionalsNE) in the same location as the previously working tiles. OruxMaps does not list this new folder in the Offline maps list. I then deleted the other folder and restarted, but it still shows the old folder only, which is not on the tablet at all. The maptiles location setting is correct (sd2/oruxmaps/maptiles) I can see the files with the file browser.

How do I reset the menu to recognize the new folder(s)?



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Offline maps not found Empty Re: Offline maps not found

Post  Psycogeek Mon Apr 18, 2011 3:08 am

had this too, it is listed around here somewhere how to deal with it.
looks like you have the first 2 covered, so that just leaves, going back to the MAIN Screen, not the map screen, and checking out that there is a Settings menu in there TOO.
Often i find that just existing/landing on the main screen itself starts the automated process of it checking for new databases.

i hope that feexes it, cause i am just new to this too.
reinstall just the app?


Cantidad de envíos : 53
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-04-14

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Offline maps not found Empty Re: Offline maps not found

Post  orux Mon Apr 18, 2011 4:32 pm

Psycogeek wrote:had this too, it is listed around here somewhere how to deal with it.
looks like you have the first 2 covered, so that just leaves, going back to the MAIN Screen, not the map screen, and checking out that there is a Settings menu in there TOO.
Often i find that just existing/landing on the main screen itself starts the automated process of it checking for new databases.

i hope that feexes it, cause i am just new to this too.
reinstall just the app?


There is an option in main screen, menu-->update maps DB. This will force an update of the internal maps database.

Tell me if it does not work properly.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Offline maps not found Empty After changing the map directory in the settings, OruxMaps should automatically update its database of available maps.

Post  dvo Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:57 pm

orux wrote:There is an option in main screen, menu-->update maps DB. This will force an update of the internal maps database.

I cannot find this option. The only way I found to force a map database update was to go to the overview of online and offline maps and touch the circular arrow in the upper right.

After changing the map directory in the settings, OruxMaps should automatically update its database of available maps.


Cantidad de envíos : 8
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-09-15

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Offline maps not found Empty Re: Offline maps not found

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