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connection MapMyTracks

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connection MapMyTracks Empty connection MapMyTracks

Post  Leander Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:06 pm

The app is reporting a connection failure when I want to upload a GPX file to MapMyTracks. But it does the job nevertheless. It is a bit strange (and unfortunate) that I cannot choose the sports I can choose at MapMyTracks. In my case inline skating. Can this be fixed?


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connection MapMyTracks Empty Re: connection MapMyTracks

Post  orux Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:25 pm

Leander wrote:The app is reporting a connection failure when I want to upload a GPX file to MapMyTracks. But it does the job nevertheless. It is a bit strange (and unfortunate) that I cannot choose the sports I can choose at MapMyTracks. In my case inline skating. Can this be fixed?



yes in next versions,


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Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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