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Map and waypoints deleted, PLEASE HELP

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Map and waypoints deleted, PLEASE HELP Empty Map and waypoints deleted, PLEASE HELP

Post  jakob Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:28 pm

I spent several hours finding a new path in really tough terrain today and recorded it with waypoints at the right locations.
I just loaded this track a "track" and loaded another old path/track as a route to compare it. However, since I found a dummy track in database I loaded this one and used "remove track" to remove it to clean up my tracklist.
But the problem is that the track that I recorded today got removed (not just from screen, but also from database). This is probally the way it's meant to be and it's a user error (since I apperently loaded new track as route and then ended up deleting my old track.

I checked the track directory and found two additional files with similar name, but both where 0 bytes. :-( Is there anything I can do to salvage my lost information?

As a sidenote would I just like to inquire how many that uses tracks and routes the way I do? The concept of "routes" is really confusing for me, all my tracks can be loaded as routes, but the main reason why I do this is to compare one track to another.
Would it not be better just to let tracks be tracks and enable users to display several tracks (comparing many tracks (3+) at same time would REALLY be usefull for me) on the screen at the same time (different colors) and then really consider everything loaded as a route to really be a route that you are supposed to follow?

Just some thought on how to improve things based on my own experiences.

Anyway, time to go to bed it seems that I have to get upp early tomorrow to find my todays path again... (please help!) Wink


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Map and waypoints deleted, PLEASE HELP Empty Re: Map and waypoints deleted, PLEASE HELP

Post  orux Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:18 pm

jakob wrote:Hi,
I spent several hours finding a new path in really tough terrain today and recorded it with waypoints at the right locations.
I just loaded this track a "track" and loaded another old path/track as a route to compare it. However, since I found a dummy track in database I loaded this one and used "remove track" to remove it to clean up my tracklist.
But the problem is that the track that I recorded today got removed (not just from screen, but also from database). This is probally the way it's meant to be and it's a user error (since I apperently loaded new track as route and then ended up deleting my old track.

I checked the track directory and found two additional files with similar name, but both where 0 bytes. :-( Is there anything I can do to salvage my lost information?

As a sidenote would I just like to inquire how many that uses tracks and routes the way I do? The concept of "routes" is really confusing for me, all my tracks can be loaded as routes, but the main reason why I do this is to compare one track to another.
Would it not be better just to let tracks be tracks and enable users to display several tracks (comparing many tracks (3+) at same time would REALLY be usefull for me) on the screen at the same time (different colors) and then really consider everything loaded as a route to really be a route that you are supposed to follow?

Just some thought on how to improve things based on my own experiences.

Anyway, time to go to bed it seems that I have to get upp early tomorrow to find my todays path again... (please help!) Wink

Hi, jakob;

You can load two 'paths' to the map viewer:

A route: you can not modify it (continue, add/delete wpts). You can follow it, wpt navigation,...

A Track: You can start it when start recording, or you can continue an old 'path' loading it with 'continue track' option, and add/delete wpts.

From the map viewer, you can not delete a 'path' from the tracks data base, only remove them from the map viewer. If you want to delete a 'track/route' you have to go to the tracks list view.

May be I have to modify the labels,...


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