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Missing tiles when downloading maps in maps creator

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Missing tiles when downloading maps in maps creator Empty Missing tiles when downloading maps in maps creator

Post  Pascal Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:25 pm

Eventually move this to the Enhancements section.

When downloading online maps with map creator, it can happens some tiles results missing expecially on sea side (quite offshore).
Tipically it happens on the corners when downloading a map of an island.
In this case Map creator stops downloading and shows a warning.
Please Orux, could you change this behaviour forceing download to complete and obtain a map anyway (with blank holes obviously).
Better should be if missing tiles could be filled with the contents of the quarter of corresponding tile at next lower level of zoom.
I hope I have been clear enought.



Cantidad de envíos : 32
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-05-16

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Missing tiles when downloading maps in maps creator Empty Re: Missing tiles when downloading maps in maps creator

Post  orux Thu Jun 23, 2011 5:23 pm

Pascal wrote:Eventually move this to the Enhancements section.

When downloading online maps with map creator, it can happens some tiles results missing expecially on sea side (quite offshore).
Tipically it happens on the corners when downloading a map of an island.
In this case Map creator stops downloading and shows a warning.
Please Orux, could you change this behaviour forceing download to complete and obtain a map anyway (with blank holes obviously).
Better should be if missing tiles could be filled with the contents of the quarter of corresponding tile at next lower level of zoom.
I hope I have been clear enought.


Hi, Pascal;

First option will be easy to implement.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Missing tiles when downloading maps in maps creator Empty Re: Missing tiles when downloading maps in maps creator

Post  Psycogeek Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:07 pm

mobac does the same thing, there IS nothing there at certain levels, you dont really expect him to fill this with other levels when the map companies dont even bother with them themselves do you ? Laughing

mobac the other map maker for making these maps in 1/10the the time on the desktop, also has never seemed to have any ability to know if there was:
no tile item there , or
if the (web) connection just is not receiving it at the moment.
in that situation it was good to know that something is failing, when it could have been either being cut off from the server, a poor connection, or the lack of a tile even existing there at that level.

on the web googles application will fudge something in there, but it seems to take time (slow) while it too cant find anything.

no tile there takes less stoarge space than putting a tile there that is just tossed in from another level, increasing the size of the map for something that at that level you are not even likely to see unless your IN that water . which certannly can be, but then the next level up would be just as usefull.

I am not saying that it should or shouldnt be like that, i am just saying that overcomming that limitation has not been a big deal, and putting repeating tiles in would waste a LOT of space in some situations.


Cantidad de envíos : 53
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-04-14

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Missing tiles when downloading maps in maps creator Empty Re: Missing tiles when downloading maps in maps creator

Post  Pascal Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:48 am

Psycogeek wrote:mobac does the same thing, there IS nothing there at certain levels, you dont really expect him to fill this with other levels when the map companies dont even bother with them themselves do you ? Laughing

mobac the other map maker for making these maps in 1/10the the time on the desktop, also has never seemed to have any ability to know if there was:
no tile item there , or
if the (web) connection just is not receiving it at the moment.
in that situation it was good to know that something is failing, when it could have been either being cut off from the server, a poor connection, or the lack of a tile even existing there at that level.

on the web googles application will fudge something in there, but it seems to take time (slow) while it too cant find anything.

no tile there takes less stoarge space than putting a tile there that is just tossed in from another level, increasing the size of the map for something that at that level you are not even likely to see unless your IN that water . which certannly can be, but then the next level up would be just as usefull.

I am not saying that it should or shouldnt be like that, i am just saying that overcomming that limitation has not been a big deal, and putting repeating tiles in would waste a LOT of space in some situations.

I can agree with you about the problem to distinguish between a true missing tile and a connection problem.
However this will remain a problem and you won't have the requested map in your mobile unless you'll have some feature to point and re-load these tiles manually or...
My hypotesis was to use the tile at the lower level (the ones that cover 4 tiles of the current level) for filling the missing tile magnifying 2x the proper quarter. I didn't ask putting repeating tiles...
I thought this was the normal algorithm used by Google & co when showing part of the territory (or offshore on the sea) not existing in the db at some level of zoom (have you ever seen holes in Google Hearth?).

However it's right to know the download has failed for n tiles (but at the end of the process please!) and let user makes a choice for keeping or discarding the obtained map.

Hasta luego


Cantidad de envíos : 32
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-05-16

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Missing tiles when downloading maps in maps creator Empty Re: Missing tiles when downloading maps in maps creator

Post  Psycogeek Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:02 pm

hmm if i can show it.
google originally worked like this
when there was nothing at that level, it would just toss up that there was nothing at that level, and it would "fail fast"
also yahoo maps would work this same way.
just move back one level, and a real picture is there.

now here is the same basic thing via googles patch and play method
now look at the CPU use on your computer when you move levels here (when it is patching).

this is not the exact same area, but its the same type of thing.
if i did the links correct, you can see that Layer apon layer of map is non existant there from 13-20, even though google will patch something in way way down, it is nothing usefull, as it is probably from layer 12 just like your saying.

no i have never seen holes in google earth, but it is all 3d texture mapping, wonder how it would work on these little processors that can barely play 3d game?

so yes i had seen this stuff, and they are certannly doing something different, one method is SLOW , the other method fails very quickly.
it is just a matter of "where did you want to go today" :-)

I do see this as a limitation, but normally we would just level back to the actual map that is actually there, then zoom digitally when trying to set a precise location. both of those things are very fast on the small devices.

by the way if you ever need an easy way to grab and copy paste coordinates , the acme maper can do that, so that is also a cool link that might be usefull when your making maps , calibrating, or checking them. or if your just having troubles with Roadrunners albino


Cantidad de envíos : 53
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-04-14

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Missing tiles when downloading maps in maps creator Empty Re: Missing tiles when downloading maps in maps creator

Post  Pascal Sat Jun 25, 2011 5:54 pm

Psycogeek wrote:hmm if i can show it.
google originally worked like this
when there was nothing at that level, it would just toss up that there was nothing at that level, and it would "fail fast"
also yahoo maps would work this same way.
just move back one level, and a real picture is there.

now here is the same basic thing via googles patch and play method
now look at the CPU use on your computer when you move levels here (when it is patching).

this is not the exact same area, but its the same type of thing.
if i did the links correct, you can see that Layer apon layer of map is non existant there from 13-20, even though google will patch something in way way down, it is nothing usefull, as it is probably from layer 12 just like your saying.

no i have never seen holes in google earth, but it is all 3d texture mapping, wonder how it would work on these little processors that can barely play 3d game?

so yes i had seen this stuff, and they are certannly doing something different, one method is SLOW , the other method fails very quickly.
it is just a matter of "where did you want to go today" :-)

I do see this as a limitation, but normally we would just level back to the actual map that is actually there, then zoom digitally when trying to set a precise location. both of those things are very fast on the small devices.

by the way if you ever need an easy way to grab and copy paste coordinates , the acme maper can do that, so that is also a cool link that might be usefull when your making maps , calibrating, or checking them. or if your just having troubles with Roadrunners albino

Hi Psycogeek
Please look at these:

and let me know how resolve the crosswords .... 'Very Happy'



Cantidad de envíos : 32
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-05-16

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Missing tiles when downloading maps in maps creator Empty Re: Missing tiles when downloading maps in maps creator

Post  Psycogeek Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:08 pm

i have the same quandry in unpopulated wilderness areas, the tiles are already fudged in, from another level or back 2 or 3 even.
do i waste 2-4x space to offline down to that level? or just not use a level that isnt really there.
everything starts to get muddy, and the next level is just interpolated junk, whenever possible to know that there is nothing there (other than the last level zoomed), i dont want it taking up the space, so i dont want that level on my map.
so the missing links there (for me) is not the problem, the whole map at that level is useless, its just zoomed, tiles exisiting or not.
when collecting massive tiles for offlining, the next layer is way bigger than the last, if there isnt anything there the space savings from not saving that useless level is huge.
but not always possible when right next to it, in some urban area , it goes all the way to 18 before its junk.
you show me level 21 ?? there is no level 21 :-) it is just 18or19 zoomed, even in the urban area, solution there is save massive disk space, and stop at 18-19, and zoom the rest of the way. with the space saved you could cover 4 times as much area.

the program already zooms, and when zoomed it looks just as bad as the maps zoomed up mess, the missing pieces are just as bad as the rest of the map, save space save bandwidth save time, deselect useless levels. if possible.


Cantidad de envíos : 53
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-04-14

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Missing tiles when downloading maps in maps creator Empty Re: Missing tiles when downloading maps in maps creator

Post  Pascal Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:16 pm

Psycogeek wrote:i have the same quandry in unpopulated wilderness areas, the tiles are already fudged in, from another level or back 2 or 3 even.
do i waste 2-4x space to offline down to that level? or just not use a level that isnt really there.
everything starts to get muddy, and the next level is just interpolated junk, whenever possible to know that there is nothing there (other than the last level zoomed), i dont want it taking up the space, so i dont want that level on my map.
so the missing links there (for me) is not the problem, the whole map at that level is useless, its just zoomed, tiles exisiting or not.
when collecting massive tiles for offlining, the next layer is way bigger than the last, if there isnt anything there the space savings from not saving that useless level is huge.
but not always possible when right next to it, in some urban area , it goes all the way to 18 before its junk.
you show me level 21 ?? there is no level 21 :-) it is just 18or19 zoomed, even in the urban area, solution there is save massive disk space, and stop at 18-19, and zoom the rest of the way. with the space saved you could cover 4 times as much area.

the program already zooms, and when zoomed it looks just as bad as the maps zoomed up mess, the missing pieces are just as bad as the rest of the map, save space save bandwidth save time, deselect useless levels. if possible.

I understand your point of view.
I well know, my second option to replenish the holes, was just an aesthetical make up and can be evaluated as counterprodutive for someone.
Nevertheless I still think the possibility to let the user has a chance to obtain a map of somewhere, although full of holes 'Very Happy', is a good option to be considered in the excellent program of Orux.


Cantidad de envíos : 32
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-05-16

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