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Batch geotag pictures taken by EXTERNAL camera

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Batch geotag pictures taken by EXTERNAL camera Empty Batch geotag pictures taken by EXTERNAL camera

Post  szmucu Mon Feb 13, 2012 11:43 am

This is my first post so please be tolerant.
First of all i would like to thank you for creating great application.


I'm going for a two month bike travel abroad and planning to share it with my friends and family by Internet posting gps tracks and pictures on my blog.

Thats what i do now:
1. Start recording gps track with orux maps
2. During trip i take some pictures by SLR which are stored on SD card ( exactly micro SD with SD adapter )
3. After finishing trip by orux maps i upload recorded track to gpsies which is sticked to my blog.
4. Then i put micro SD card in my phone and by other android app i upload pictures taken by SLR to picasa web album and post them on blog with some text.

So now i use olny 2 great android applications to manage nice and simple blog with track maps and pictures. Plus with my dynamo hub i'm only network (gprs or sometimes free hot spot) dependent so its not so bad. And i would like it to stay this way with adding one very useful improvement:

Add possibility to batch geotag pictures taken with SLR stored on SD card in jpeg format ( synchronize them with track recorded with orux maps like in http://www.geosetter.de/en/ application for PC). It should be 100% "desktop pc free".

I've found some apps partially meeting my demands but most of them need external pc software to geotag pictures.


Cantidad de envíos : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-02-13

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