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"Translating" grid information for manually calibrating maps?

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"Translating" grid information for manually calibrating maps? Empty "Translating" grid information for manually calibrating maps?

Post  jmeyerdo Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:44 pm


I want to use the great application OruxMaps for a MTB tour over Sardegna and started to calibrate some maps. It seems that one of the easiest ways is to do this with OziExplorer and I figured out that this is possible with manually created own waypoints without problems.

For a bigger amount of maps I would like to use the grid information from maps itself to speed up the process. Maybe you can help me if it is possible to "translate" the grid information from following map to the needed information?!

Example map: http://www.sergian.it/mappali/46.gif
Information needed by OziExplorer:
- Map Datum
- Map Projection
- Zone
- Easting
- Northing
- N/S
or "Degrees & Min":
- LAT Deg
- LAT Minutes
- LONG Deg
- LONG Minutes

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

Best regards! Jens


Cantidad de envíos : 12
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-06-06
Localización : Dortmund, Germany

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"Translating" grid information for manually calibrating maps? Empty Re: "Translating" grid information for manually calibrating maps?

Post  orux Sun Jun 06, 2010 4:34 pm

jmeyerdo wrote:Hi!

I want to use the great application OruxMaps for a MTB tour over Sardegna and started to calibrate some maps. It seems that one of the easiest ways is to do this with OziExplorer and I figured out that this is possible with manually created own waypoints without problems.

For a bigger amount of maps I would like to use the grid information from maps itself to speed up the process. Maybe you can help me if it is possible to "translate" the grid information from following map to the needed information?!

Example map: http://www.sergian.it/mappali/46.gif
Information needed by OziExplorer:
- Map Datum
- Map Projection
- Zone
- Easting
- Northing
- N/S
or "Degrees & Min":
- LAT Deg
- LAT Minutes
- LONG Deg
- LONG Minutes

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

Best regards! Jens

Hi, Jens;

why not use the lat/lon coordinates?

You can use top-left and bottom-right latlon coordinates (tested with European 1950 datum):

"Translating" grid information for manually calibrating maps? Corners

"Translating" grid information for manually calibrating maps? Configz

but download last version or OruxMapsDesktop ---> 1.5.1


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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"Translating" grid information for manually calibrating maps? Empty THANK YOU!!!

Post  jmeyerdo Sun Jun 06, 2010 6:47 pm

Hi Orux!

THANK YOU very much for this detailed help and mini-tutorial. Incredible - this works great!

Wow, I was impressed by OruxMaps when using with Online-Maps already. But this is (especially for trips to foreign countries and "special terrain") an amazing feature.

Thank you for your support and all your work with this great application!
All the best,


Cantidad de envíos : 12
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-06-06
Localización : Dortmund, Germany

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"Translating" grid information for manually calibrating maps? Empty Using OziExplorer for preparation?

Post  jmeyerdo Sun Jun 06, 2010 8:07 pm


I tested a little bit this hour.
To speed up preparation of convertion I would like to use OziExplorer and convert the .map files after that to OruxMaps with OruxMapsDesktop.

Unfortunately I can't figure out how to add the values "8 40.0 - 41 0.0" and "8 50.0 - 40 54.0" to specific fields with OziExplorer. After creating .map file and converting it to OruxMaps the map is not calibrated/not calibrated properly.

May I kindly ask you for a short hint in which format to add this in the following fields?

"Translating" grid information for manually calibrating maps? Screenshotoziexploreren

Kind regards, Jens


Cantidad de envíos : 12
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-06-06
Localización : Dortmund, Germany

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"Translating" grid information for manually calibrating maps? Empty Re: "Translating" grid information for manually calibrating maps?

Post  orux Sun Jun 06, 2010 8:17 pm

jmeyerdo wrote:Hi!

I tested a little bit this hour.
To speed up preparation of convertion I would like to use OziExplorer and convert the .map files after that to OruxMaps with OruxMapsDesktop.

Unfortunately I can't figure out how to add the values "8 40.0 - 41 0.0" and "8 50.0 - 40 54.0" to specific fields with OziExplorer. After creating .map file and converting it to OruxMaps the map is not calibrated/not calibrated properly.

May I kindly ask you for a short hint in which format to add this in the following fields?

"Translating" grid information for manually calibrating maps? Screenshotoziexploreren

Kind regards, Jens

Hi, Jens;

lat/lon are inverted;


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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"Translating" grid information for manually calibrating maps? Empty Re: "Translating" grid information for manually calibrating maps?

Post  jmeyerdo Sun Jun 06, 2010 9:06 pm


Thank you for your prompt answer. My apologies - I did not notice that.
Unfortunately it is still not working, even if inverting the values in OziExplorer.

After importing the .map file it shows like this in OruxMapsDesktop. May you have another hint for me?
Are the values for N/S and E/W correct in OziExplorer or are there problems with general settings?

"Translating" grid information for manually calibrating maps? Oruxmapsdesktopmapconve

Thank you very much!
Best regards, Jens


Cantidad de envíos : 12
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-06-06
Localización : Dortmund, Germany

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"Translating" grid information for manually calibrating maps? Empty Re: "Translating" grid information for manually calibrating maps?

Post  orux Sun Jun 06, 2010 9:12 pm

jmeyerdo wrote:Hi!

Thank you for your prompt answer. My apologies - I did not notice that.
Unfortunately it is still not working, even if inverting the values in OziExplorer.

After importing the .map file it shows like this in OruxMapsDesktop. May you have another hint for me?
Are the values for N/S and E/W correct in OziExplorer or are there problems with general settings?

Thank you very much!
Best regards, Jens

Sorry; I did not notice that the 'longitude' value was 'E' (East) instead 'W' (West).

This value should be positive in OruxMaps


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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"Translating" grid information for manually calibrating maps? Empty Re: "Translating" grid information for manually calibrating maps?

Post  jmeyerdo Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:56 am

Great - that was the last problem. Now it works in general but I have to solve a small problem with a little displaced map. That is working better with your first solution without OziExplorer. Maybe it depends on choosing "European 1950" in OziExplorer and "European 1950 Italian (Sardinia)" during conversion or on wrong pixel values while calibrating? The image coordinates with OziExplorer and in OruxMapsDesktop are different.
I will try to figure this out this evening.

THANK YOU very, very much for your fast and kind help!

Kind regards!


Cantidad de envíos : 12
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-06-06
Localización : Dortmund, Germany

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"Translating" grid information for manually calibrating maps? Empty Re: "Translating" grid information for manually calibrating maps?

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