Vmap - Mapsforge maps High Contrast Style for Orux
2 posters
Vmap - Mapsforge maps High Contrast Style for Orux
Some weeks ago while thinking on a map style of may own ( I used Openandromaps but I didn't like it's colours ) a friendly guy pointed me to locus for the possibility of using svgs in mapthemes.
I found V-scale, had a closer look at it and started..while getting more and more familiar to Freizeitkarte at the same time.
So I tried to create a theme/style that works with all maps, Locus, Openandro, Sebbos, mapsforge itsself and last but not least Freizeitkarte, too.
And, of course, make it compatible with my beloved outdoor app - Oruxmaps - with pngs instead of svgs
The main templates for my theme/style were the openandro themes, so I copied the non physical routes nearly 1:1.
Declared aim was the best possible visiability of ways on and off the roads under certain circumstances on standard android devices (not high end).
theme light, different maps, different orux versions
light, MTBSKI, HC
pistes with MTBSKI
hike & cycle routes with HC
For oruxmaps doesn't support relative paths yet there are three versions for the most common configurations.
1. external sdcard mounted on /mnt/sdcard
2. external sdcard mounted on /storage/emulated/0
3. sdcard mounted elsewhere, use of internal osmarender symbols
Unpack the zip file into your map directory and rename the xml file for the wished stayle into the name of your map plus suffix ".xml".
Please note that you're not forced to use version 3 in case of extraordinary sdcard directory, you may edit one of the versions 1 or 2 to fit your given directory name
I found V-scale, had a closer look at it and started..while getting more and more familiar to Freizeitkarte at the same time.
So I tried to create a theme/style that works with all maps, Locus, Openandro, Sebbos, mapsforge itsself and last but not least Freizeitkarte, too.
And, of course, make it compatible with my beloved outdoor app - Oruxmaps - with pngs instead of svgs
The main templates for my theme/style were the openandro themes, so I copied the non physical routes nearly 1:1.
Declared aim was the best possible visiability of ways on and off the roads under certain circumstances on standard android devices (not high end).
theme light, different maps, different orux versions
light, MTBSKI, HC
pistes with MTBSKI
hike & cycle routes with HC
For oruxmaps doesn't support relative paths yet there are three versions for the most common configurations.
1. external sdcard mounted on /mnt/sdcard
2. external sdcard mounted on /storage/emulated/0
3. sdcard mounted elsewhere, use of internal osmarender symbols
Unpack the zip file into your map directory and rename the xml file for the wished stayle into the name of your map plus suffix ".xml".
Please note that you're not forced to use version 3 in case of extraordinary sdcard directory, you may edit one of the versions 1 or 2 to fit your given directory name
bianchifan- Cantidad de envíos : 11
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-11-21
Zip Files?
Sounds good but need the zip file link or attachment!
marcuss1- Cantidad de envíos : 13
Fecha de inscripción : 2012-10-15
Re: Vmap - Mapsforge maps High Contrast Style for Orux
???marcuss1 wrote:Sounds good but need the zip file link or attachment!
Nevertheless..there are new ones
For testing with actual Beta
Please unzip into new folder mapstyles, there are 6 themes, 3 with Osmarender icons, 3 with new size corrected icons.
bianchifan- Cantidad de envíos : 11
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-11-21
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