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Name search (like Oziexplorer), please

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Name search (like Oziexplorer), please Empty Name search (like Oziexplorer), please

Post  John Mon Jul 12, 2010 2:50 am

I really like Oruxmaps and it has replaced Oziexplorer on my old PDA. A great programm, well done.

There is one feature I really miss: the name search based on files of names (towns, locations, facilities, peaks etc..).

Can this be implemented?

Keep up the great work Andrea.



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Name search (like Oziexplorer), please Empty Re: Name search (like Oziexplorer), please

Post  orux Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:51 pm

John wrote:I really like Oruxmaps and it has replaced Oziexplorer on my old PDA. A great programm, well done.

There is one feature I really miss: the name search based on files of names (towns, locations, facilities, peaks etc..).

Can this be implemented?

Keep up the great work Andrea.


Hi, added to my 'todo' list.


Cantidad de envíos : 3946
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-07-06

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Name search (like Oziexplorer), please Empty Re: Name search (like Oziexplorer), please

Post  John Mon Jul 12, 2010 11:58 pm

Thank you, that will be great.

Regards, John.


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Name search (like Oziexplorer), please Empty Re: Name search (like Oziexplorer), please

Post  romanh Wed Jul 21, 2010 8:15 pm

Oh, I should read what other allready have posted.
I asked for the same feature... Smile
Regards, Roman


Cantidad de envíos : 4
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-07-19

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Name search (like Oziexplorer), please Empty Re: Name search (like Oziexplorer), please

Post  romanh Fri Mar 11, 2011 5:07 pm

I'd like to ask if there is a chance that this feature would be integrated?
Best regards and a nice weekend


Cantidad de envíos : 4
Fecha de inscripción : 2010-07-19

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Name search (like Oziexplorer), please Empty Name search in offline

Post  vairavanathan Sun May 12, 2013 7:57 am

dear all

do you have a kmz/kml file of all names( there r ways to prepare it, i m not going to discuss it here).
it is very easy . no need to be in on line. if u are having offline map, click tracks menu , click manage, when tracks window opens select settings , import tracks, select the kmz file what u want to see. Now in settings select user interface, select Miscellaneous user interface . come to map window . refresh. u will see the lateral dashboard , go ahead with right arrow, now u will see the list of names in your lateral dash board. scroll down and select name from the list , orux will ask what u want to do? navigate to the point or see on the map. enjoy. this is the first application allows us to search GR/ name of place in offline, whereas Google required online connection with server. dont stop using orux.


Cantidad de envíos : 9
Fecha de inscripción : 2013-05-10

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Name search (like Oziexplorer), please Empty Re: Name search (like Oziexplorer), please

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