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gps and tracks performance

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gps and tracks performance Empty gps and tracks performance

Post  Vongraz Sun Jan 15, 2012 12:59 pm

hello from Italy ! Very Happy
I'm using oruxmaps with my created offline 1:25.000 maps on a Galaxy i9003 and I'm happy with it, thanks very much
Dashboard and interface is excellent and clear
Now, I've a little problem about gps-tracks configuration
I'm trying some configuration but tracks lines are sometimes interrupted and straight as an arrow, sometimes curved and weel designed
When I stopped my walking, tracks is continuing over again a bit
I'm using Oruxmaps during my mountain trekking (max 3/5 km/hour), I want tracks sensibles and precises.
I accept also a large battery usage if performance is ok
I need a single and full track for every excursion-day
I reading the manual but I do not find a good solution

Specifico, I have no clear concept of:

- autosegment distance
- autosegment time
- autosave
- autobackup tracks

- minimum time (2sec raccomended)
- mininum distance (20mt raccomended)
- gpx memory fix accurate (0 always)

For all these are better low values or high values ?

Can I charge (to have) a specific custom profile in Preference/profile handling for try it ?

thanks again and sorry my poor english


Cantidad de envíos : 11
Fecha de inscripción : 2011-12-30

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